Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 12: Breaking News With a Happy Ending

This is the box to my telescope that I can not use. On the box, there are two views of the controller that broke.

          When I say breaking news, I literally mean, BREAKING news. My initial intentions of this blog, was to take pictures with my camera using my electronic telescope. The telescope is capable of viewing numerous things such as Saturn's rings, the Andromeda Galaxy, and fly-by comets. The very first day of this assignment, I took my telescope and camera out to snap some photos. What I found is that my telescope's controller was broken. The controller is mainly used to control the telescope's zoom and direction and locate objects by time, date, GPS, and a compass. The telescope was still useable, but I had no way of locating the celestial bodies other than doing it manually, which would take hours of reading through manuals, locating the celestial body by a nearly impossible guess-and-check, and adjusting the telescope by hand which is extremely hard. In a panic, I emailed my English teacher, asking her for advice. She got back to me, and gave me the idea that is now my day 3.
          Miraculously, once I started writing my blog, new ideas came to me, and my intentions of this blog changed. This should teach me a future lesson to check that something works before committing to its use. Hopefully, when it comes time for a new project, these newfound skills will kick in!

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