Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 10: Heated Topics: Is there a creator to our Universe?

I first got the idea of this post from an episode of Through The Wormhole, in which they discussed the question of there being a creator to our universe.
          To be honest, I've heard enough of this topic. Being an atheist and an analytical thinker, it seems that wherever I go, I encounter pious people who just want to argue. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually blood-Quaker, and open to everyone's thoughts, and I respect everyone's opinions. I have no hard feelings whatsoever towards anyone who is religious, it's just when someone gets angry at me for believing that God doesn't exist, and that the Bible is completely inaccurate, then I get mad. I can recall numerous times when people asked why I believe something, so I explained it to them (without countering their thoughts or mentioning their religion or anything along those terms) and they became irate. So let me lay down my side of the story.
          Along with thousands of physicists worldwide, I believe in the Big-Bang theory, and have loads of evidence to back it up. According to the Big Bang theory, approximately 13.72 billion years ago, our Universe was in an extremely hot and dense state which rapidly expanded. Though Georges LemaĆ®tre, the Big Bang theorist, failed to give details on what the Universe expanded from, many modern physicists, such as Lawrence Krauss, believe the Universe expanded from a quantum fluctuation (the temporary change in the amount of energy in a point in space.) After the Universe's initial expansion, it cooled down to allow energy to be converted into sub-atomic particles. Thousands of years later, the sub-atomic particles met, and the first atoms were formed. The first element was hydrogen, along with some lithium and helium. Eventually, clouds of hydrogen condensed to form stars, and billions of years after that, other atoms coalesced through gravity, and formed more and more celestial bodies. Then, Earth finally came along, and biology and chemistry took part and made us. To prove this expansion true, scientists have observed many things such as red-shifts of almost all galaxies and cosmic background radiation.
          I am only just getting started with this data, and, also, professional physicists have loads more information than me to back up this theory as well. Modern-physicists could write multiple books just on this one topic. Next time, when someone tries to argue with me, they will be bombarded with pure fact.

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